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Frank Keohane is the author of 'Irish Period Houses: A Conservation Guidance Manual' published by Dublin Civic Trust in 2016. This is a complete revision of the previous edition of Period Houses, printed in 2001, which was a pioneering manual for best practice repair and maintenance of period houses in Dublin. The 2016 edition, greatly widens the scope of the manual with a comprehensive array of new topics now covering all of Ireland.


The book is arranged into 25 easily navigated chapters, with subjects ranging from traditional walls and roofs, windows, internal joinery, damp, timber decay, decorative finishes and energy efficiency. 


272 pages and over 1000 colour photographs and diagrams illustrate typical features and materials used in Irish traditional buildings, problems commonly encountered, and best practice solutions for conservation, repair, and replacement of elements where necessary. Irish Period Houses provides an holistic approach for the owner/occupier or building professional – ensuring that the right works are carried out at the right time, that the correct materials are sourced, and that all factors are considered when undertaking repair or refurbishment works.


Irisih Period Houses is available to buy in selected bookshops and directly from DCT at

© 2020 by ​Frank Keohane.

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